Monday, October 19, 2009

You are all in good hands while I am out of the country.

"Wow! We've got a sub!"

Remember when you were in school regularly and your "regular" teacher wasn't able to be in class? In elementary school, the substitute teacher was an object of fascination; in higher grades, the "sub" was a bit of a downer: the sub didn't know the routine, wasn't as familiar with the school, didn't know the names of everyone in the classroom, and maybe didn't even know the subject matter too well. Substitute teachers weren't always welcome.

At 24 Hour Fitness, we also have substitutes for Group X teachers who cannot be at their regularly scheduled classes. These subs are a big improvement over those from your school days. First of all, every substitute is certified in that specific class format. It's very likely (and in my class, a certainty) that the instructor who fills in for me will have years and years more experience teaching yoga than I do. Secondly, my three-week replacement is intimately familiar with the Glendora Sport facility; she teaches here twice a week. And, while her style of teaching is slightly different from mine, Lois has the same philosophy about yoga: the practice needs to be challenging, yet accessible, for all students to feel successful. Lois is gentle, patient, nonjudgmental, and extremely knowledgeable.

Just as you did when you were younger, you might do some things a bit differently in class. You'll have opportunities to try new combinations and new asanas. What will be interesting is that you when hear different "cues" for familiar asanas, you just might experience an "Ahah!" moment and feel the pose in an entirely new way. It's good to look at routines from a slightly new perspective; imagine that we are stretching ourselves a bit mentally as well as physically.

I will miss you all very, very much while I am out of the country. My mat will be with me as I travel on this long-planned adventure. Daily, as  I do my morning practice and as I wind down with evening practice, you all will be very present with me. My return to LAX is early on Monday morning, November 16th, and I will be back for class with you all that morning. While I'm not sure which asanas are recommended for jetlag, it will be my challenge to see if I can discover a few.

Until then, namaste,


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