Monday, March 22, 2010

Enlightening Reading: Getting deeper into your practice.

Once yoga becomes part of your daily life, you want to know more. Which asanas are beneficial for you? Which might be used for relaxation, for insomnia, for energy, for internal focus, for balance, for just what you might need at that moment? There are some excellent books available to the general public that are of interest to yogis and yoginis. If you want to know more, if you would like to try some variations or modifications of asanas we practice together, if you have particular concerns about your health or physical condition, or if your are just plain curious, here are some inexpensive (less than $20.00), paperback books that might interest you. Most of these titles are available at general retail bookstores, or online at the ever-ready site. I have printed out each book's title, cover, and a review of the contents.

Timothy McCall
, Yoga as Medicine: The Yogic Prescription for Health and Healing.

Starred Review from Publishers Weekly: "Western-trained internist and Yoga Journal medical editor McCall has practiced Iyengar yoga for a decade. In 2002, he traveled to India, where most scientific research on yoga's medical benefits has been conducted. The results of that visit and McCall's subsequent study of yoga therapy and ayurveda (India's ancient medical system) are presented here, translated into Western medical terms. For example, McCall demystifies such concepts as samskaras (unconscious patterns that negatively affect behavior and health); scientists, McCall says, explain these patterns as repeated firings of neurons that change the brain's wiring. Although McCall's focus is on yoga therapy, he includes material that will be helpful to most students. For readers challenged by illness, he provides an overview of popular yoga styles and their suitability for various degrees of fitness; steps to finding a yoga therapist; and what to expect from a session. Twenty chapters feature noted yoga instructors describing their approaches to specific conditions—panic attacks, carpal tunnel syndrome, depression, infertility, cancer, etc. They offer advice, rather than fixed protocols, based on their tradition and experience. This might frustrate readers seeking a formula, but those willing to experiment have access to many diverse tools and practices. No doubt McCall's fine articulation of yoga's healing potential will appeal to a large audience of instructors, students, physicians and their patients." Copyright © Reed Business Information, a division of Reed Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

Leslie Kaminoff, Yoga Anatomy.
Basic and classic asanas are illustrated "with clear, expert instruction and full-color, detailed anatomical drawings, Yoga Anatomy depicts the most common asanas to provide a deeper understanding of the structures and principles underlying each movement and of yoga itself. From breathing to standing poses, see how each muscle is used, how slight alterations of a pose can enhance or reduce effectiveness, and how the spine, breathing, and body position are all fundamentally linked. Whether you are just beginning your journey or have been practicing yoga for years, Yoga Anatomy will be an invaluable resource—one that allows you to see each movement in an entirely new light. Author Leslie Kaminoff is a recognized expert and teacher in anatomy, breathing, and bodywork. He is the founder of The Breathing Project, New York City’s premiere yoga studio dedicated to the teaching of individualized, breath-centered yoga practice and therapy." (Review from's website

Jean Couch, The Runner's Yoga Book.
This book "is an ideal companion for the weekend or professional athlete, for the reader who wants to stretch and relax, and for the developing yoga student who wants to establish a home practice. Drawing on over thirty years of teaching and personal practice, author Jean Couch offers precise instruction in all types of poses, guidelines for home practice, yoga routines for other sports, including bicycling, skiing, swimming, tennis, and walking, a resource guide for further study, and a yoga-poses-by-alphabetical-listing index." (Product description from's website) There are over 400 photographs and illustrations for various levels of expertise. If you include yoga as part of your cross-training routine, this is a most helpful book, designed for all ages and fitness levels. 

Martin Cook, Brooke Boon, and Daniel DiTuro, Hatha Yoga Illustrated.
This book is highly recommended by two famous instructors: Shiva Rea and Baron Baptiste. This book "presents nearly 650 full-color photos to visually demonstrate 77 standard poses from hatha yoga that apply to all major hatha styles including Iygengar, Astanga, Anusura, and Bikram. Individual poses are presented from start to finish, showing you how to achieve proper alignment and breathing to ensure challenging yet safe execution. The results is an increase in the effective, both physically and mentally, you'll experience with each pose. Several pose variations based on your personal preference, ability, and fitness level are also included. Eleven sample yoga routines show how to assemble the poses into workouts that meet your specific time, difficulty, and intensity parameters." (Review and description from's website.)

B. K. S. Iyengar, 
Light on Yoga: The Bible of Modern Yoga.

"The definitive guide to the philosophy and practice of Yoga--the ancient healing discipline for body and mind--by its greatest modern teacher. Light on Yoga provides complete descriptions and illustrations of all the positions and breathing exercises. Features a foreword by Yehudi Menuhin. Illustrations throughout." (Product description from's website) This book provides the foundation for both the physical and spiritual practice of yoga. A true classic!

Mira Metha, How to Use Yoga: A Step-by-Step Guide to the Iyengar Method of Yoga, for  Relaxation, Health, and Well-Being.
Written by "one of today's leading exponents of yoga in the style of B. K. S. Iyengar. She presents a practical philosophy that unites body, mind, and spirit for health and fulfillment. With over 450 color photographs, this book acts as a guide in achieving a fit and flexible body through the practice of yoga postures (asanas) and breathing techniques (pranayama). These practices work on all body sustems, stimulating circulations, toning muscles, and improving overall health. Best of all, the author makes this powerful antidote to the stresses of modern life accessible to those who want to practice at home safely and effectively." (Product description from's website)

Of course, reading about yoga is a long way from practicing yoga, but visual examples are helpful for many of us, and concrete illustrations are even better. What can also be gained from these books is that your yoga practice is just that--YOURS--and your practice will evolve over time. Many of these books present several levels for asanas, an ever-so-essential reminder that it's not about the pose, it's about listening to your body.

After class next week, I'll have a few of these books available if you'd like to take a look at their formats and illustrations. 

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